Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Worried Indian


I am an Indian first, then probably a farmer. But now I am a worried Indian.

Can a couple of overseas singers/actors and a few disgruntled foreigners (ex Indians), an international posting platform and a teenager more famous as a human/environmental rights activist and an unknown niece of some American called Kamla Harris really shake the Indian establishment?? 

Does our MEA and the political establishment really require to go into a panic mode ?

Is our edifice so weak?
Does our leadership suffer from a persecution complex?
Is the entire world really against us?
Is it a sinister *International Conspiracy ?*
A foreign hand returns!

The international community is rocking. Our pictures are all over the leading news magazines of the world.

Delhi will surely compete for the 2050 Olympics, security guaranteed. Three medals already in the pocket. Kabbadi, Gatka and Tractor Stunting.
We also have managed to annoy the niece of the American Vice President by
extensive trolling, which is our national hobby because no one can disagree with the most populous democracy in the world .
All things going our way.
All systems go.
*( Houston -- we don't have a problem)*

Ramachandra Guha does speak some sense here--

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